Upgrade Tech Delivery Without Hiring

Live Coaching for

Software Engineers

and Tech Leaders

Live team coaching helped improve throughput by 235% for Pleo. Created by CTOs, sessions led by real-world tech experts and engineering leaders.

software success = company success

For Tech Leaders

Super-power your team and end hiring headaches

"40% increase in throughput"
- Pleo

For Developers

Learn with an expert in real-time; grok new skills every week

Join the coaching that gets
99% 4+ stars

For Business Leaders

Increase tech capabilities to increase revenue

“Features built 4x faster”
- Plandek

Learning for software developers is Broken

None of these meet the needs of tech teams

Books / Doc Reading

Online Video Libraries

Classroom Training

Mentoring / Tutoring

Books / Doc Reading

Books / Doc Reading

Classroom Training

Mentoring / Tutoring

delivered remotely, in 1-hour chunks

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improved by 40%

This is the future of learning

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Features are now built 4x faster thanks to Skiller Whale

This is the future of learning

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